Makes your Flash compatible with the NAS (Nissin Air System)
Nissin Group proudly announces the new Receiver Air R today, a new addition and game changer of our Nissin Air System. The revolutionary Receiver Air R combined with the use of the Nissin Commander Air 1 helps a photographer wirelessly control almost any kind of Nissin camera flash and original manufactures flash in the current market with Nissin Air System (NAS) and TTL & HSS support.
NAS (Nissin Air System)
NAS is Nissin’s newly developed 2.4GHz radio transmission wireless flash system. Compared with the traditional optical wireless transmitters, 2.4GHz radio transmission is less susceptible to angle and obstacle limitations and provides coverage of up to 30 meters. (98 feet)
Nissin is famous for thinking out of the box. This includes the IDs technology in our newly developed NAS system. Radio transmission IDs give each of the NAS compatible devices a unique identity and can be set to prevent misfiring in the event of signal interference on the same channel.
Make user’s existing flash compatible with NAS (Nissin Air System) devices
Camera users who currently own a original manufacturers flash (Canon, Nikon & Sony) or a Nissin flash will definitely benefit from the launch of Receiver Air R. User may make their group of existing flashes to be compatible with the Nissin Air System1, utilizing full TTL, High Speed Sync up to 1/8000 seconds2, Zoom and Manual power output. Control all these functions wirelessly at a competitive price without giving up Quality and Reliability.
Important notice for existing Commander Air 1 User
In order to control the Receiver Air R properly, Commander Air 1 needs to be equipped the latest firmware. For user who purchased the Air 1 before the release of Air R, you may need to schedule a service to update your Commander Air 1 unit. For more details, please contact your local distributor.
To check whether your Air 1 is capable to control the Air R unit. Please hold the “Pilot” and “on/off” button at the same time. It means your Air 1 is capable to control the Air R if the light on the Air 1 Canon version: ( X X X X X ● ● ● ) or Nikon version: ( X X X X X ● ● X ) unit shows up on the display.