Compatibility Chart
Compatibility Chart
If there is no specific camera listed in the chart, you suggested to check the below link for reference.
● Compatible Model
○ Incompatible Model
- No information available. To be confirmed.
*1 A firmware update may required in the future.
*2 For using with those Canon camera models, before Binding setting, please set Commander Air 1 to "Mode 2". At the same time, the second curtain sync can not be selected. For details, please refer to Air 1's user manual page8 - Appendix1.
*3 When using the the first 4 product's serial numbers digits smaller-than the following value :
Di600: 6803020001~ Di700A:6720100001~ Air 1:C67217001~ i40:67281609001~
an error message would appear on camera display when changing "external flash function setting", but the setting is reflected normally. AF assist lamp function on the flash will not work
*4 Wireless Slave mode does not support the camera built-in flash as the master function.
*5 Since those camera built-in flash have not the master function, they should use a optional master remote unit (e.g. Canon ST-E2) to control wirelessly any slave flash eqipped optical slave recevier.
*6 Zoom head operation not supported.
*7 The flash charging lamp in the camera viewfinder will not go out.
*8 Limited by the camera system function, Flash TTL function will be disabled when camera set to M manual exposure mode.
*9 When shooting in continuous mode, flash exposure of TTL mode may become unstable.
*10 The first 4 digits product's serial numbers larger-than the following value MF18 S/N: 8A080602001~
1. AF-assist lamp is not supported on Mirrorless cameras.
● Compatible Model
○ Incompatible Model
- No information available. To be confirmed.
*1 A firmware update may required in the future.
*2 Extremely underexposure (about -2EV) appear when Air 1 mounted on D5 to control wirelessly the slave flash and the flash light does not hit the subject directly, such as bouncing or diffusing,
*3 In D4 · D4s, when manual flash is set, when you shoot continuously and rapidly manually in the Q mode · 1 sheet shooting mode, emission may be missing. Please understand that it is based on specifications.
*4 Commander / Flash unit may be freeze when camera turn on the electronic shutter mode with mirror up mode. If Commander / Flash unit freezes, remove and re-insert the battery. Turn off the in-compatible function of camera then power on Commander / Flash unit again.
1. AF-assist lamp is not supported on Mirrorless cameras.
● Compatible Model
○ Incompatible Model
- No information available. To be confirmed.
*1 Use the Sony Shoe Adaptor (ADP-AMA)
*2 It slightly interferes (contacts) with the EVF. Since you can not use EVF, it can not be used because diopter correction does not work by interfering.
*3 Optical wireless function are not available.
*4 For using with those Sony camera models, not support the Air R's HSS High-speed sync function :: α9, α7R Mark III, α7R Mark II, α7S Mark II, α7 Mark III, α7 Mark II , α99 Mark II , α6500
1. AF-assist lamp is not supported on Mirrorless cameras.
● Compatible Model
●H This camera supports HSS/FP High speed synchronize function.
○ Incompatible Model
- No information available. To be confirmed.
*1 The Fujifilm camera is supporting of High speed synchronize function after camera firmware updated
*2 Flash can be insert on the hot shoe of main body or that of EVF. When inserted a flash on the EVF shoe, do not tilt-up EVF since this may make the EVF damage.
1. AF-assist lamp is not supported on Mirrorless cameras.
Panasonic / Olympus
● Compatible Model
○ Incompatible Model
- No information available. To be confirmed.
*1 Unstable operation may appear when turn on the S-OVF Function ( Optical view finder simulation ) of EVF and shoot with EVF.
*2 Flash's optical slave wireless mode is incompatible with camera's wireless flash system.
*3 Di700A for FT version will be supporting Olympus E-M5 Mark II after flash firmware updated.
*4 Hardware compatible on or above the following Serial Number: i40: 8A18XXXXXXX~ i400:8927XXXXXXX~
*5 According to the specifications of Panasonic Lumix series, the continuous shooting function cannot be used when an external flash is installed on the hot shoe.
1. AF-assist lamp is not supported on Mirrorless cameras.